Travel Insurance for Syria

Country Risk Code: Extreme

Syria has a high risk of conflict due to the civil war between the armed forces and rebels from the eastern part of the country. The conflict has lead to airstrikes, terrorism, kidnapping, and chemical weapons. If you intend to travel to Syria, you need to seek professional advice for your safety. The effect of this conflict has led to the death of many civilians and foreigners. Therefore most countries warn their citizens against traveling to Syria. If you have to visit Syria at any time, ensure that you have the ideal travel insurance coverage.

Potential Risks for Syria

There are only two words to describe the security situation in Syria; 'volatile' and 'dangerous.' Many foreigners, especially those working with foreign agencies, have been kidnapped and killed. Protests in the country, including the capital, can turn violent.
In the past, authorities have arrested people found near a protest site irrespective of their Nationality. Since the breakout of civil conflicts between government forces and the rebels, crimes have increased, including armed robbery, carjacking, and shootings.
Along with the border towns, the security situation is worse, with many unreported cases of gun violence, armed robberies, and killings. Terrorist activities are widespread and happen unexpectedly in the country. The recent increase in the cases of Covid-19 has increased the country's security risk since more people are arrested without respect for human rights.
Organized crimes have risen in other states of the country. But, the situation is a lot less dangerous if you remain in Damascus, the Syrian capital.

Health Risks

There is a rise in the number of Covid-19 cases. The availability of hospitals and other health care facilities is limited because of the current security challenges faced by the country. Hence, the quality of health care provided to foreigners and citizens has plummeted.
Further, drugs are in limited supply, which means you are better off carrying your medication from home. There have been cases of polio reported by the health ministry. Insect-borne diseases are widespread, especially outside the capital.
If you intend to stay more than a month in the country, you need to prove that you are vaccinated against polio in the last 12 months. Additionally, malaria infections are common in Syria, especially in Al Hasakah province. Therefore, have insect repellent around, and consider taking anti-malaria medication with you.
It would be best to avoid undercooked meals and drink only boiled or bottled water to prevent water-borne infections such as typhoid. Also, you should avoid unpasteurized dairy products if you don't want to expose yourself to all sorts of infections.

Local Laws

Travel tips for visitors

Selecting the right insurance for your travel to Syria

The current security situation in Syria is dangerous due to the ongoing military action from the government and the rebels. Hence, it would be best to have travel insurance because it will be difficult to get safety without one. Further, the state of health care facilities in Syria is primary in Damascus but poor in other countries.
Hence, if you have any medical issues, you will need to leave the country immediately. Therefore, you need emergency evacuation insurance to enable you to leave Syria quickly.
Most insurance companies exclude cover for travellers to Syria, so it is important that you double check with your insurer that Syria is covered and not excluded.
